Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Two Frogs

Seattle had a thunderstorm last night.  The lightening was terrific with its accompanying thunder.  I don't remember thunderstorms happening that much when I lived here.  After a few hair raising moments taking down the large outdoor awning we had up, we settled in to a TV show until the storm took out the electric briefly and we lost our satellite connection.
The next morning I went out to do my walk to get in my steps (did I tell you Jim found his FitBit in a shirt pocket a few days back after we thought he'd lost it?)  Coming around a corner, I spied a young man carrying something.  At first I thought he had a snake hanging down from his hand and I was certain I would not go anywhere near him!  But as I got closer I realized he was carrying the largest frog I had ever seen.  Catching it under his camper, he was relocating it to a safer, grassy area to the side of the RV Park.  I could not resist taking a photo of this critter nor the opportunity to touch a frog for the first time in my life-if not now, when?  (Since I already am married to my Prince, I elected not to kiss him however!)

His hands were four fingered.  The webbed feet were five fingered.  To the touch, he was smooth and warm (not slimy!)  He was playing "dead" and not moving, but he peaked at us from his slightly open, golden green eyes.  If I had been really brave, maybe I would have held him.  I did not.  It was a fun experience though doing something totally unheard of in my past.  Touching a frog was a step toward the "why not?" freedom that comes with age.  The shackles of my mostly self-imposed rules were loosened today by touching a frog.  The door closing me off from feared and untried experience opened a crack today and the sliver of light it let through was delightful.

Rounding the corner of my continuing walk, I passed a metal sculpted frog.  For me, it represented an entirely new meaning than when I passed it the day before.

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