Sunday, June 22, 2014

Snoopy's Closet

It has been a while since I checked in with all of you.  Actually, I am doing just fine.  We have been in a warmer part of California but the air conditioner is keeping me cool while Mom and Dad are out working every day for an awfully long time.

Today's RV park has a black and white kitty who lives next door in a "Fifth Wheel" RV.  I saw her this morning.  She gets her food outside next to the stairs.  Her Dad works in L.A. during the week as a lineman and only gets to come home here on the weekends.

We can hear the train here.  It comes through lots of times during the day and night blowing its horn every time.  Mom says she is glad she is deaf in one ear so she can't hear it so much.  Me?  Well, I don't really care because I am up wandering around during the night anyway making sure I don't miss anything interesting.

One of my favorite things to do is get into closets.  Tonight I got into Mom's closet with her purse and hats.  It is a cool place above the bed.  Well you know we cats are curious critters.  At any rate, I like the view when I am higher up.  We only have about a month to go and we'll be done working.  Then we are going to visit our relatives in Washington.  I've never been there so I am really going to have fun.  Well, Mom's coming and she'll make me get out of here...
That's all for now folks!  I'll write again soon.


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