Saturday, March 15, 2014

Helpful Hint #1

Recently I wanted to clean a few pairs of silver earrings.  With limited space in an RV I had not brought along a jar of silver polish.  What to do?  Well, after some research I discovered that the solution was really quite easy using items I already had on hand that are always available in the RV:  Water, Aluminum Foil, Salt and Baking Soda.

I took a pan and heated up some water to almost a boiling temperature on the range.  Then I added a sheet of aluminum foil to the bottom of the pan.  Don’t worry about trimming the foil.  Just fold it so you can get it to about the size of the bottom of the pan you are using.  Carefully push the foil down to the bottom of the pan with a spatula or spoon to avoid burning your fingers in the hot water.  Finally, add a couple of tablespoons of both baking soda and salt, stirring them into the water until dissolved. 

You are now ready to clean your silver.  Place the silver pieces (earrings, flatware, necklace or whatever items you are working with) into the water.  Let them sit for several minutes until the tarnish disappears.  You may have to wait longer depending upon the amount of tarnish to be removed and in some cases repeat the process one more time.  (For larger pieces, use an 8”x8” or larger baking pan, cover the bottom with aluminum foil, pour your heated water into the pan with the dissolved salt and baking soda.  Again place your silver pieces into the water until clean.)

Remove the cleaned pieces from the water, rinse them and pat dry with a dishtowel.  Presto!  Your silver is clean and you did not have to buy any special products to do the job.  This is a “Simple Solution for the simple lifestyle of traveling in an RV.”

P.S.  I have also learned that you can place your silver pieces into 7-up if they are mildly tarnished.  Again, wait for the liquid to work its magic, rinse, dry and enjoy your silver, but toss the 7-up!
 Snoopy’s Corner:

I’ve been waiting for Mom to get me a silver dish for my cat food.  I’d really enjoy the elegance of eating from a silver plate.  She bought me stainless steel bowls and a plate for the trip with rubber bottoms so they don’t slide all over the floor when we are going down the road.  Well, I can pretend, can’t I?

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