Saturday, March 22, 2014

A Walk through Balboa Park

Balboa Park in San Diego is a serene and expansive park in the midst of the city used as a retreat to nature by great numbers of the city's residents and visitors alike.  Huge trees surround buildings that date back to the early 1900's with architectural details seldom seen in buildings of a more modern construction.  That detail along with abundant water features, flowers, reflecting pools filled with fish and fowl all make for a refreshing venue to walk, sit or imbibe in the pleasure of photography.

I imagine my maternal family who spent time here in the 1940s walking these paths and sitting at these fountains under the palms.  After enjoying several visits here over the years myself, it is satisfying to walk the same paths, cross beneath the same arches and marvel at the sight of water fountains sparkling in the sun.

A stroll followed by a carmel latte from the vendor in the courtyard at the Prado Restaurant in the park all complete the traditional experience I desire at this venue.  Like Tevye singing "Tradition" in Fiddler on the Roof, I feel like singing to the sky with my arms extended stepping back and forth to the rhythm this place creates in my mind.


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