Friday, April 3, 2015

Ducks of Desert Springs

Water is the oasis of life in California right now with the drought.  It always surprises me (although it should not having studied biology in college) how adaptable animals and birds are to environmental changes.  The drought in California is terrible right now.  Rivers and lakes have slowly faded away to dirt. 
But every so often, thanks to the efforts of someone trying to maintain a piece of serenity within the landscape you run across an inviting view like this.  It does not go unnoticed by these adaptable ducks.  They were not too pleased to be the subjects of a camera shoot and migrated to the water rather quickly where they glided away from us.  However, for a brief moment in an otherwise arid landscape, we had five-minutes of serendipity watching them and gazing at the blue-green, shimmering water.

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